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理悦CEMA•知与行系列研讨会:Manager-Worker Compensation Gap in the Digitalized Era

发布日期:2024-10-12  来源:   点击量:

理悦CEMA•知与行系列研讨会2024年第六讲将于10月18日(周五)下午16:30-18:00在学术会堂712会议室举行,由山东大学经济学院教授姜明明报告 “Manager-Worker Compensation Gap in the Digitalized Era”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

【题目】:Manager-Worker Compensation Gap in the Digitalized Era

【摘要】:We investigate the impact of digital transformation on the within-firm compensation gap between managers and workers in China during 2010-2019. Unlike previous studies, we characterize the overall and comprehensive progress of manufacturing firms' digital transformation by exploring their participation in a nationwide implementation of a digital transformation certification program during this period, and argue for the causal impact of digital transformation on the manager-worker compensation gap using a variety of techniques. The empirical estimations suggest that, holding labor productivity, financial performance, and other firm characteristics constant, (i) digital transformation robustly narrows both the relative manager-worker pay ratio and the absolute pay gap; (ii) digitalization reduces the compensation gap primarily by raising workers' compensation, which is achieved not by reducing the number of low-wage workers but by inducing firms to demand additional skilled workers and offer additional non-routine jobs; and (iii) managers do not appear to gain directly from digital transformation, but they can benefit indirectly from the enhanced current and future performance of their firms.


姜明明,山东大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,山东大学未来计划学者,美国加州大学河滨分校经济学博士。研究领域为宏观经济、宏观金融和应用计量经济学。研究论文发表于Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,Macroeconomic Dynamics,Journal of Banking and Finance,Economica和Journal of Environmental Economics and Management等国际期刊。研究成果获山东省高校人文社科优秀成果奖、人力资源社会保障优秀成果奖和统计优秀科研成果奖等。主持国家社科一般项目、国家自科青年项目、山东省社科规划和山东省自科面上项目。





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