Renmin University of China (中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院), 2012.9-2016.3
Central University of Finance and Economics (中央财经大学中经管),2016.3-present
Degree Field Institution Year
Ph.D. Economics Queen's University, Canada 2012
(Supervisors: Allen Head and Thorsten Koeppl)
M.A. Economics Carleton University, Canada 2006
B.A. Advertising Capital University of Economics and Business, China 2004
"The impact of immigrants on host country crime", with Xiangbo Liu and Biancen Xie, Economics Letters, 119 (2): 157 - 161, 2013.
"Brain Drain Reversal and Return Subsidy", with Xiangbo Liu and Biancen Xie, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43: 443 - 455, 2015.
"The Impact of Internet Sales Tax in a Search Model of Money: Some Analytical Results", with Shenyi Jiang, Wen Wang and Xiangbo Liu, Annals of Economics and Finance, 17(1), 2016.
"Inequality and social capital: How inequality in China’s housing assets affects people’s trust", with Jie Gong, Shenyi Jiang and Ang Sun, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Online
"The effect of monetary policy on input inventories", with Xiangbo Liu and Wei Sun , The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. Online
'' Education Policies, Pre-college Human Capital Investment and the Educated Unemployment'', with Chao He, Xiangting Hu and Xiangbo Liu, R&R with major revision , R&R, Journal of Economics.
'' Financial Frictions, Liquidity Traps, and the Implementation of Monetary Policy'', with Chao He.
'' Underwriter reputation on IPO underpricing: evidence from the Chinese enterprise market'', with Yi Hu, Yong Li, Sushanta Mallick, Lutao Ning, Baohua Zhu.
'' How Does the Information on Hypertension Affect Health Behaviors: A Two Dimensional Regression Discontinuity Analysis'', with Shenyi Jiang, Ang Sun and Zhaoguo Zhan.
'' Retirement policies and unemployment rate'', with Fan Hua and Xiangbo Liu.
'' The causes of residential segregation of ethnic minorities'', with Shenyi Jiang, Yuan Pu and Jin Tao.
Graduate Courses (研究生课程):
Advanced Macroeconomics (高级宏观经济学): 2012-2015.
Monetary Economics (货币经济学): 2013-2015
International Trade(国际贸易):2018-present (至今)
Undergraduate Courses (本科课程):
Monetary Economics(货币经济学):2016-present (至今)
International Trade(国际贸易):2016-present (至今)
Dynamic Programming(动态规划):2017-present(至今)
Awards (荣誉)
中国人民大学第七届青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖 2013
中国人民大学第七届青年教师教学基本功比赛优秀教案奖 2013
Public Service (公共服务)
中国人民大学-加拿大女王大学金融硕士项目 项目发起人 项目主管 2012.9-2016.3
研究生毕业班班主任 2012-2014
推荐信 (芝加哥大学,纽约大学,杜克大学,密西根大学,哥伦比亚大学,约翰•霍普金斯,LSE,清华五道口,人大汉青,北大国发院,北大法学院...)
" Financial Frictions, Liquidity Traps, and the Implementation of Monetary Policy ", CEMA Seminar, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2018
"The Role of Multi-stage Production for the Monetary Transmission Mechanism", WEAI Annual Conference, Hawaii, 2015.
"Brain Drain Reversal and Return Subsidy", WEAI Annual Conference, Seattle, 2013.
"The Role of Multi-stage Production for the Monetary Transmission Mechanism", China Meeting of the Econometric Society, Beijing, 2013.
"The Role of Multi-stage Production for the Monetary Transmission Mechanism", CEA Annual Meeting, Montreal, 2013.
"Optimal Monetary Policy and the Business Cycle: the Role of Multi-stage Production with Inventories", Macro Workshop, Queen's University, 2011.
"Input Inventory, Business Cycles and Optimal Monetary Policy", CEA Annual Meeting, Ottawa, 2011.