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理悦CEMA•知与行系列研讨会:Better Education, Fewer Divorces: The Impact of College Education Quality on Marriage Outcomes

发布日期:2024-12-09    点击量:

理悦CEMA•知与行系列研讨会2024年第十一讲将于12月13日(周五)下午15:00-17:00在学术会堂712会议室举行,由山东大学经济学院助理教授沈丹青报告“Better Education, Fewer Divorces: The Impact of College Education Quality on Marriage Outcomes”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

【题目】:Better Education, Fewer Divorces: The Impact of College Education Quality on Marriage Outcomes

【摘要】:We investigate the impact of post-secondary college educational quality on family formation of college graduates. Using NLSY79 data, an instrumental variable strategy is employed to identify the causal effect. Higher college quality causes the delay of marriage by about 4 years, without influencing the overall life-time probability of marriage. With later marriage, better college educated people postpone the first birth by about 3.5 years, with the timing of first birth in marriage unaffected. Since better college educated people marry later than the other college graduates, they date more people and accumulate more wealth before they enter a marriage. Therefore, better educated college graduates have more stable marriages. We find that an increase in college quality causes a 22 percentage points decrease in the life-time divorce rate and the probability of divorce before age 40. Since the number of college graduates have been growing in the past decades, this article provides a new perspective to understand the trend of marriage and divorce.

【报告人简介】:沈丹青,山东大学经济学院助理教授,博士毕业于普渡大学。研究领域是劳动经济学,家庭经济学,教育经济学和公共政策。发表论文在Economic Inquiry.





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