Asher Wolinsky教授
美国西北大学经济系Asher Wolinsky教授将于2008年7月21日-26日在中国经济与管理研究院讲授《信息经济学专题》(Topics on Information Economics)课程,请中国经济与管理研究院数理经济与数理金融实验班、2006级硕士研究生、2007级、2008级硕士研究生、博士生做好准备,同时也欢迎本校其他院系以及其他高校感兴趣的老师和同学免费参加。
上课时间:7月21日-26日,每天上午 8:30-10:00
The sequence of lectures will be on TOPICS in INFORMATION ECONOMICS. I will present some of the topics that I teach in my 2nd year PhD course on Information economics at Northwestern. Since I am not familiar with the background of the participants, I am not sure whether we will be able to cover everything on the tentative list below. I will try to adjust things once I start teaching and understand better the background and interests of the students.
Tentative program for the lectures in Beijing
The Information Model:
1. Introducing the subject through a discussion of a basic Global Games model.
2. The semantic model: Knowledge and common knowledge.
3. Agreeing to disagree and impossibility of speculative trade results.
4. The syntactic model.
5. Beliefs
Topics in Implementation:
1. Efficient Dominant and Bayesian Implementation.
2. Full extraction and its limitations.
Asher Wolinsky教授主页: