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【CEMA研讨会】6月12日钱海峰:Negative Human Capital Externalities in Wellbeing: Evidence from Chinese Cities

发布日期:2019-06-05    点击量:

CEMA研讨会2019年春季第十五讲将于6月12日(周三)中午12:10-1:30在712会议室举行,由美国爱荷华大学城市与区域规划学院和公共政策中心钱海峰副教授报告论文“Negative Human Capital Externalities in Wellbeing: Evidence from Chinese Cities”,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

【题目】:Negative Human Capital Externalities in Wellbeing: Evidence from Chinese Cities

【摘要】:This paper examines the impact of the concentration of human capital on individual happiness in Chinese cities. We find negative human capital externalities in the wellbeing of Chinese city residents. Further, wage, public service, firm agglomeration, environmental quality, and housing price are among the mechanisms connecting human capital to individual happiness. Human capital becomes a stronger negative predictor of individual happiness after these mediating effects are controlled for, likely as a result of peer pressure from social comparison. Additionally, the impact of city-level human capital externalities on individual happiness depends on individual factors such as gender, education, age, and income.

【报告人简介】:钱海峰,美国爱荷华大学城市与区域规划学院和公共政策中心副教授,在创新、创业、区域经济发展与科技政策等领域发表了20多篇研究文章。目前担任Small Business Economics编辑和Economic Development Quarterly副编辑。曾获Urban Affairs Association最佳会议论文奖、Regional Studies Association杰出青年学者资助奖、以及Western Regional Science Association颁发的Charles M. Tiebout奖。


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