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发布日期:2017年09月25日    点击量:    更新日期:2024年06月14日




Email: dszhang@cufe.edu.cn


硕士, 数学, 武汉大学(1992—1995年)

学士, 数学, 湖北教育学院(1990—1992年)










Cheng Wang, Elie Bouri, Yahua Xu, Dingsheng Zhang, 2023, “Intraday and overnight tail risks and return predictability in the crude oil market: Evidence from oil-related regular news and extreme shocks”, Energy Economics,Vol. 127, 107121.

Yang Xiaokai and Zhang Dingsheng 2000. “Endogenous Structure of the Division of Labor, Endogenous Trade policy Regime, and a Dual Structure in Economic Development”,Annals of Economics and Finance, No. 1, pp. 211-230.

Sachs Jeffery, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2000. “Globalization, dual economy, and economic development”,China Economic Review, No. 2, pp. 189-209.

Sachs Jeffery, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2002. “Pattern of Trade and Economic Development in the Model of Monopolistic Competition”,Review of Development Economics,Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.1-25.

Yang Xiaokai and Zhang Dingsheng 2003.”Economic Development, International Trade, and Income Distribution”,Journal of Economics, Vol.78, No. 2, pp.163-190.

Tombazos Christis, Yang Xiaokai, and Zhang Dingsheng, 2005. “A Neo-Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Trade with Endogenous Production Patterns”,Economic Record, Vol 81(S1), 2005, pp.S71-81.Ÿ

Ng Yewkwang and Zhang Dingsheng, 2005. “Increase Returns and the Smith Dilemma”,Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 50 (S1), 2005, pp. 407-416.

Zhang Dingsheng and Shi heling, 2006. “A note on ‘An Inframarginal Analysis of the Ricardian Model”,Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 11, issue 4, pp.505-512.

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2006. “Domestic and global sourcing”,Journal of Division of Labor and Transaction Costs, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 37-53.

Ng Yewkwang and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007, “Average-Cost Pricing, Increasing Returns, and Optimal Output: Comparing Home and Market Production”,Journal of Economics,Vol.90, No.2, pp.167-192.

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007. “Can Productivity Progress in China Hurt the US? Samuelson’s Example Extended”,Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 101-115.Ÿ

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2007. “Does Trade in Intermediate Increase or Decrease Wage Inequality?”,Singapore Economic Review, No.2, pp.201-213.Ÿ

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2008. “The Effects of Foreign Aid on the Creation and Distribution of Wealth”,Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 223-237.

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2008. “Who Should be Given More Foreign Aid?”,Pacific Economic Review,Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 641-648.

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2011. “How Should A public Good Be Provided? A Transavction Cost Approach”, the Journal ofDivision of Labor and Transaction Costs, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 69-80.

Cheng Wenli and Zahng Dingsheng, 2012. “International Transmission of Monetary Shocks and the Non-Neutrality of International Money”,Review of International Economics,Vol. 20(1), pp. 134-149.Ÿ

Cheng Wenli and Zhang Dingsheng, 2012. “A Monetary Model of China-US Trade Relations”,Economic Modelling, Vol. 29, pp. 233-238.Ÿ

Zhang Dingsheng, Cheng Wenli, and Ng Yewkwang, 2013. “Increasing returns, land use controls and housing prices in China”,Economic Modelling, Vol. 31, March, pp789-795.

Wenli Cheng and Dingsheg, 2016. “How might the South be helped bu Northern technology yet harmed by Northern money?”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 55, pp83-91.

Yueling Cai, Gongliang Wu, and Dingsheng Zhang, 2020, “Does Export Trade Promote Firm Innovation?”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Vol. 21, pp. 483-506.
Haifeng Pan 1and Dingsheng Zhang, 2020, “Coordination Effects and Optimal Policy Choices of Macroprudential Policy and Monetary Policy”, Complexity, Vol. 2020, pp. 1-11.
Jianhua Feng, Chan Wang, Liyuan Wu, and Dingsheng Zhang, 2021, “Unemployment, trade openness and optimal monetary policy”, Annals of Economics and Finance Vol. 22, pp. 231-253.












汪建雄 和 张定胜, 2014. 竞争成功函数及其在冲突分析中的应用: 一个述评. 制度经济学研究, 第3期, pp.1-22.

赵文霞 和 张定胜, 2014. 不对称信息条件下资产交易税与市场效率——税收承担者不同有影响吗? 投资研究, 33(5), pp.130-142.

汪建雄 和 张定胜, 2015. 历史交易信息影响个人投资者关注度吗? 投资研究, 第5期, pp.118-142.

张定胜,刘洪愧,和杨志远,2015. 中国出口在全球价值链中的位置演变——基于增加值核算的分析.财贸经济,第11期,pp.114-130.

刘洪愧, 张定胜, 和 邹恒甫, 2015. 新兴市场与全球价值链——基于增加值贸易的视角. 中央财经大学学报, 第12期, pp.85-99.

唐国豪, 姜富伟, 和 张定胜, 2016. 金融市场文本情绪研究进展. 经济学动态, 第11期, pp.137-147.

潘海峰和张定胜,2018. 信贷约束、房价与经济增长关联性及空间溢出效应——基于省域面板数据的空间计量. 中央财经大学学报, 第11期,pp. 82-95.

张定胜,曾懿亮,和谢康佳男, 2019. .劳动力成本对于我国FDI增长的影响机制——基于国内各省份层面的实证分析.经济问题探索, 第1期,pp.11-18

曾懿亮,王亚楠,张定胜,和傅强, 2019, .不对称信息下商业银行规模与贷款利率定价.中央财经大学学报, 第1期,pp. 23-36.

吴功亮,林汉川,蔡悦灵,和张定胜,2020, 汇率变动、融资约束与多产品企业出口行为研究,国际贸易问题,第7期,pp. 144-158.








教育部科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目,主持, 项目编号:708015,项目名称:信息在金融市场中传导机制的仿真和建模分析, 项目经费:80万, 项目期限:2009/01-2011/12,已结题。
教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”, 项目编号:NECT-07-0894,项目经费:20万,项目期限:2008/01-2010/12,已结题。
Australia Research Council,参加,项目名称:Increasing Returns and Economic Efficiency,项目期限:2006/03-2006/12。
Australia Research Council,one of two Chief Investigators,项目编号:DP0557570, 项目名称:A Neo-Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Trade with Endogenous Production Patterns, 项目期限:2005/01-2006/12。
Monash University Research Fund,主持,项目名称:Inframarginal Analysis of International Outsourcing and Globalization, 项目期限:2004/04-2006/03。
Australia Research Council,参加,项目名称:Welfare Economic Issues in the New Classical Economic Framework of Inframarginal Analysis,项目期限:2003/04-2004/03。
Australia Research Council,参加,项目名称:An Inframarginal Analysis of the Implications of the Network Effects of Division of Labor on Trade and Growth,项目期限:2001/07-2002/06。 



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